To whom it may concern:

Before i met rufus t. cash and became a member of Poplar Creek Church of God Jesus and the holy Ghost, my life was crap, to be blunt.  and i was crap!  but rufus showed me that if i worked hard and did what he said then god and jesus would love me and what not.

its tough workin' two jobs (assistaint pastor-rev, & 1st shift supervisor at the local car wash), to pay for poplar creek bills (like rufus' car note and gamblin' debts) but serving the lord is its on reward, at least that is what rufus says!

rufus is like a light in a room full of darkness, if you aint got no light you is liable to bump the hell out of your leg on the bed corner or trip on some dirty clothes you left a lyin' there because you was to lazy to put them in the dirty clothes hamper.  rufus helps you not bump the hell out of your leg....this is analagourous people!

-in the love of christ jesus and in the hatred of queers,
Zebulon Wilcox
Assistant Pastor-Rev.

To Whom it may concern:
Well, as for me, I started off with snickers and haughtiness. But wouldn't you know the Lord DOES move in mysterious ways. God said to Moses, "Go up to this mountain of Abarim and see the Land that I have given to the Children of Israel." (Book of Numbers, somehwere or another). My arrogance torn asunder, my ramparts of selfishness ASSAILED by the spirit. I testify that His presence has come upon me. I witness that the Holy Ghost got all pentecostal on my ass. I proclaim that the Spirit, using the good brother, assnt.-pastor Rev. Z. Wilcox, has shown me that the condition is sin, the answer is repentence, the result is deliverance, through the Way and Only Christ, Jesus.

That's right.

Assnt-Pastor, Rev Wilcox has the FIRE. In an era of buffoonery and satanic conversions, here finally is Truth, shouted out in a hail of fire and brimstone! The way it was BEFORE all them gay marriages. Yes, old time gospel. Where the snakes bite and the woman keep theirs mouths shut! Goes back to chapter One, Genesis, my friends. Tree of Life, long before any of that them seferot. AP, R Wilcox and his drawling accent, shambling grammatical constuctions, and tortured vowels has laid a hand on my scalp through the digiscape. Hallelujah. Love offering.

So I pray for the immediate release of Rev. Cash, ensconsed by a corrupt, liberal void which punishes the true followers of Christ. It is exactly as the Good Book says: the end of days shall be known by the proliferation of sin, the ascendence of the devil, and the scattering of His church . . . all as a prelude . . .

I testify that His hand came upon. Diamond tears of light leaked from my ducts. The feverish sweat on my forehead was only abated by six shots of moonshine from the jug I keep under my hammock.

Amen, let His freedom reign. Do what thou wilt? No! Let Thine will be done.
a former occultist and satan worshiper