Friends of
Poplar Creek Church of God, Jesus, & the Holy Ghost
this band is a gospel quartet and is nationally reknowed and has won many awards! they were supposed to play at our church several times but the bus has been breakin down and one time the bus overturned on the road down to our church, dont worry nobody was hurt!
this band is lead by the enigmatic singer: wink cheeks! you will never forget a concert by the circumsie boys!!
This singer was featured alot on the Regular Guys show and has been corresponding with church leaders about being interviewed on The old time worship hour podcast. her song 'ask jesus' will move you to tears! Her myspace page is here.
Assistant pastor-rev. Zebulon Wilcox was a frequent caller on this show, he was friendly with the two producers and the phone screener, this show was a great way to preach the word of our church. the church was saddened when the devil made managment over at 96 rock kick them off the air. zeb was very close to saving the entire crew of this show! then once he did that all of atlanta would have been saved! zeb is even mentioned in the wikipedia entry on the RGs.
this guy was on the regular guys show, he used to have a website devoted to porn but thanks to zebulon's email urging him to stop his evil ways, he stopped and then talked about it on the air one day!, a true story!
Enemies of
Poplar Creek Church of God, Jesus, & the Holy Ghost
occultist and author, dedicated book to us, and talks about us on his webiste
he is the pastor of the first baptist church of boomer, and he is pissed at us because we have been taking members away from his congregation, he likes to spread rumors about pastor-rev. cash and assistant pastor-rev wilcox, saying they are queer, and just because they share a tent together sometimes, dont mean they are queer! and besides pastor gammell is just jealous.
Assistant Pastor-Rev. Zeb wilcox made a comment about this dark sided podcast and it was played on one of their shows. it created quite an uproar and caused many of these occultists to give them selves over to the lord. we hate this podcast, it is all about the noted satanist and one time led zepplin quitarist: aliester Crowley.
this is the production company that produces all of our videos and podcasts and they produced the documentary about our church. they called it a 'mockumentary' because they must think our church is a joke, that is ok though. cuz they will not be laughing in hell, cuz that is where they are goin' cuz they are dark sided. we hope to ditch them soon and get on board with a real production company, one that loves jesus and is BIG TIME, we have our eye on Icon productions, which is mel gibson's production company.
this is a website for a liberal, darksided, independent film maker. his movies are darksided, cuz they just dont make no sense.
this yaahoo, is a real A-class jerk. he is a makin' fun of good old southern type people but whatever, he will be in hell soon. his blogs a dont even make any sense.
in early oct. of 2006 associate pastor-rev. zeb wilcox was on this guy's show, who took over howard stern's LA market when he went on sirius satelite radio. here is a link that breifly describes the interaction.